
Growing the Production-Scale for Next-Gen Fertilizers

Global Fertilizer Market size is set to reach $250bn by 2030

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Highlighting Precision and Green Methods

Precision and green practices transforming the fertilizer industry

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Advancements Elevate Agri-Nutrient Fertilizer Sector

Driving agri-fertilizer innovation to secure food and the environment

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Expert Speakers to Date

  • Jeff Tarsi
    Nutrien Ag Solutions
  • Dante Leventini
    University of California, Davis
  • Katie Rothlisberger-Lewis
    Texas A&M AgriLife
  • Andrew Margenot
    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Gurbir Singh
    University of Missouri-Columbia
  • Emile Herben
    Yara International
  • Faisal Mohmand
    Bechtel Corporation
  • Tim Cheyne
    Argus Media
  • Keshni Sritharan
    OCI Global
  • Jessica Campbell

Past Attendees

  • BASF Corporation
  • Amlon Resources
  • BD Energy Systems, LLC
  • Clariant
  • Halliburton Multi-Chem
  • Koch Ag & Energy Solutions
  • Koch Fertilizer
  • LSB Chemical
  • Merrick & Company
  • Rotating Machinery
  • OCI Nitrogen Iowa
  • Petroval, Inc.
  • SJ Environmental Corp
  • Topsoe, Inc.

Who should attend

  • Agriculture
  • Farm Operations
  • Land Management & Sustainability
  • Technical Support Specialists
  • Weed Management Research
  • Geological Survey
  • Nutrient Management Consultants
  • Public Relations & Tourism
  • Operations Management
  • Agronomists
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Food System Planning
  • Plant & QC Managers
  • Biotechnology & GMO
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Business Development
  • Safety & Security
  • Sales and Marketing Managers
  • Soil Science Experts
  • Research and Development
  • Irrigation & Water
  • Chemical Engineers
  • Legal and Regulatory Work
  • Supply Chain & Logistics
  • News Reporters and Journalists
  • Agricultural Production Systems
  • News Reporting and Journalism
  • Agriculture & Food Security
  • Chemicals & Fertilizers Industries
  • Irrigation & Water
  • Soil Science & Soil-Plant Nutrition
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Government Agencies
  • Universities and Academia
  • Energy Sectors
  • Suppliers & Distributors
  • R&D Laboratories
  • Manufacturing Agricultural Devices Companies
  • Industrial Agriculture
  • Agri Nutrient Sectors
  • Consultants and Advisors
  • Chemicals and Petrochemicals Industries
  • Climate Change & Environment
  • Finance, Management, & Planning
  • Health & Wellness Centres
  • Associations and Alliances
  • Research and Training Institutes
  • Mining and Mineral Extraction
  • Agribusiness
  • IoT Companies
  • Legal and Compliance Services
  • Logistics & Transportation
  • Media partners and Collaborators
  • News Reporters and Journalists

Why Attend

The FERTILIZER SUMMIT 2024 is the premier global event, delivering leading market intelligence and industry presentations across the fertilizer sector. It aims to ensure food security, transition towards a lower-carbon economy, and unite the plant nutrition community.

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The Premier Forum for Fertilizers in North America

Welcome to FERTILIZER SUMMIT 2024, where industry leaders and fertilizer innovators will meet to explore cutting-edge solutions, creating a sustainable future for global food security and biodiversity restoration.

The global fertilizer industry faces significant challenges such as price volatility, supply chain disruptions, environmental concerns, and regulatory pressures. The industry seeks sustainable solutions, including regenerative agriculture, innovative technologies, local ammonia production, and policy support.

Join us to explore, innovate, and shape fertilizer production for a thriving agricultural future.

This year’s FERTILIZER SUMMIT 2024 promises to lead the global stage, offering industry leaders and innovators a platform to showcase advanced fertilizer solutions. From soil health to investment outlooks, we'll tackle the challenges head-on.

Key topics on this year’s agenda include:

  • Emerging trends and the impact of next-generation fertilizers
  • Technological advancements that drive precision and resource optimization
  • Latest research on advanced and specialty fertilizers to boost soil health
  • Seeking local ammonia production as a key feedstock commodity
  • Upcoming policy and regulatory challenges for sustainable fertilizer use
  • Case studies on manufacturing methods in fertilizer production

This exhibition and conference will be a platform for stakeholders across the fertilizer industry to network and establish relationships. It aims to explore opportunities and address challenges in delivering insights on new technology for plant operations and food security, meeting global fertilizer needs.

Call for Presentation


If you would like to be a speaker at this event, please contact sean.collins@iQ-Hub.com with the subject heading "Call for Papers – FERTILIZER SUMMIT 2024".

Book now


To secure your place at FERTILIZER SUMMIT 2024, or if you require more information, please contact delegates@iQ-Hub.com.

Key topics for 2024:

  • Emerging trends and the impact of next-generation fertilizers
    Explore the latest innovations, such as biodegradable coatings and slow-release granules that boost nutrient efficiency and shape a sustainable agricultural landscape.
  • Technological advancements that drive precision and resource optimization
    Leverage EEFs, nano-smart fertilizers, enhanced applicators, and new bio-actives for precise nutrient management, improved soil health, and enhanced food security.
  • Latest research on advanced and specialty fertilizers to boost soil health
    Learn about enhanced efficiency fertilizers, circular economy practices such as nutrient recycling and waste valorization, and digital solutions to reduce eco-footprints.
  • Seeking local ammonia production as a key feedstock commodity
    Discover how domestic manufacturing and commercialization of green and blue ammonia are gaining momentum.
  • Upcoming policy and regulatory challenges for sustainable fertilizer use
    Collaborate with industry leaders to address the policy and regulatory challenges by ensuring eco-friendly applications of fertilizers and aligning agricultural practices with sustainability.
  • Case studies on manufacturing methods in fertilizer production
    Engage with global agri-nutrient industry leaders, key supply chain players, and chemical providers to transition to sustainable fertilizer manufacturing processes.
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